Elo hell is something all competitive gamers go through and can happen at any time. Elo is a skill-based point system in which you can gain and lose elo by winning or losing matches, another name for this is MMR (Matchmaking Rating). Your elo is a direct representation of how "good" you are at a game, sometimes. I say sometimes because there are days where you feel amazing at a game and you will see your elo rise a lot, and you hit your highest rank ever and you feel like you belong even though you know you don't. Then there will be days where you go through elo hell, you lose a couple of games in a row and you begin to get a little frustrated, during that frustration you start playing differently, you let emotion take over and stop thinking. Next thing you know you have just lost 15 games in a row and you are in a rank that you should be easily beating opponents but just can't. This is every gamers worse nightmare, you hate losing and all you want to do is blame others for the loss but in the end you are at the bottom all alone, left with only your fingers to climb your way out of elo hell.